There are 168 hours in a week
There are 168 hours in a week
use them to do more of what you love and less of what you don't
This week was my first real week of 2018. I was riding the wave of the new year for a long while, until January 19th rolled around. Everything was harder and nothing seemed to go as planned. I can roll with the punches, but it was tough. So I looked back at my first post of the New Year. I really want to make sure that I stay on track and thought that this was a good time for a check in on how things were going. However, this week did not go well. I didn't all. Not once. I didn't plan my week. I didn't post on the blog. I made time to relax on Friday, because that was the only time I could find..sigh. I also found that my bank account was hacked.
In an effort to find the silver lining, I was able to get my facial on Friday (even though I left my wallet at home), I scheduled a deep clean for my apartment on Saturday, as well as purchased a ticket to attend the Travel and Adventure show. As a result of my quick planning, on Saturday morning, I awoke with a renewed spirit and saw the following quote on @thefinacebar's instagram page.
"smart women figure out what exactly makes them happiest. They spend generously on those things but cut out the rest"
-- Laura Vanderkam
As a result of this post, I read this article and watched the video below:
How timely. All of the issues of the week melted away and I was able to gain better perspective on how to move forward. Sure it is okay to get off track, but listening to the TED talk made it clear that we have more time than we think to do the things we love. We just need to be sure to make space for them. This was the intention that I set on January 1st, and I was gently reminded of this on Saturday morning.
Have you gotten off track? Maybe time tracking is a good idea, especially if you need to be more thankful of the free time that you do have and reminded to use it wisely. In the article Laura mentions that it only takes approximately 3 minutes per day. When life gets busy maybe the best way to feel grounded is to track your time, but not from a place of perfectionism. Alternatively, tracking your time should give you more freedom to do the things you love and allow yourself the motivation to press on.